Which of these young ladies has been married for a decade - as of today?
And the bonus question is:
Who can name all the dolls?
(There may be a prize for the winner!!)
Johannah Rutschow I remember this well! Is that Gabi Zietlow in the pink shirt?
Johannah Rutschow I remember this well! Is that Gabi Zietlow in the pink shirt?
Amy Dolan I know that the doll in the middle is Kimberly and the one on the left (held by the adorable girl in the BEAUTIFUL outfit) is Melanie!
Paul Dolan Incredibly I remember when this was taken. My sisters were married on Labor Day so I it's got to be Sarah at the 10 year mark. Did I win? Boo-ya!
John-Carol Dolan Oh, no! Paul, you're scaring me! COuld it be that my otherwise exact record keeping has an error!?! Wasn't someone married today? Please - ladies - someone help me!
John-Carol Dolan Upon further review and as you might expect, my records are accurate. And so, Paul, no you do not win. Boo Hoo.
Katie Mae It's Rachel who is at 10 years!!! Did I win?!? (Thanks to her status....)
Mary Dolan Happy 10th Anniversary, Rachel! Your dad and I have happy memories of that weekend. Love the photo! The sweeties in this photo have not changed, all so very cute, yet today!!..-mld
p.s. Cabbage Patch doll names -....I will look - I think I may have them....
p.s. Cabbage Patch doll names -....I will look - I think I may have them....
Rachel Zietlow Labor Day Paul- really? Was it that much of a haze to you? I was married on D-Day...Re: this picture, I think this was the time that Erin Elizabeth peed her pants when she fell asleep standing up and leaning against the couch in the spare room. Who has the picture of that??? And I don't know about the rest of you, but my doll IS Aidrea Darlene and she is currenlty in Gabi's room!!
John-Carol Dolan Rachel - you are awesome! OK - Erin, any reBUTTal on the alleged incident. Now we have three doll names - let's hear from Erin and Em.
Erin Peterson unfortunately, rachel is correct...there is proof, a picture of me leaning against the chair wet pants to the floor i confiscated this photo from my parents house a long time ago.
not sure what my cabbage patch dolls name was though. her fate was being left in our outside play house thru the winter and having all her hair cut off because it had a mouse nest in it!
not sure what my cabbage patch dolls name was though. her fate was being left in our outside play house thru the winter and having all her hair cut off because it had a mouse nest in it!
Reading through these comments right now just made me so happy.