Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Gang's All Here

I've told you how much I like group pictures. A lot of people in one place at one time, usually for some special gathering, plenty of things to learn by who's in the picture, and also by who's not! Here's a couple. From one more recent to another a generation ago, and then one two generations old.

Did I say that this is the most recent one? That's scary! How did all those kids grow up so fast?! Look at all those cute little girls. And the "bow-tie boys, Tim and Paul - ya gotta love it. I remember that green checked sport coat. Yikes! What was I thinking! Grampa and Gramma - we all - were so young. 

What's the occasion? The location? It's March 29, 1981, Aaron's baptism. We are gathered in the parsonage basement at St. James in Portage, MI. Who's missing? This time - no one. Everyone was there.

It was a good day.

I wish I had a dollar for every picture that was taken on and around that front porch at 4711 20th Avenue in Kenosha. This is not the best photo ever taken as far as clarity and most everything else. And I have no idea what the occasion might have been. But one highlight has to be the fur coats! Lookin' Aunts Lilah and Evelyn!

It's the late 1940's. David was born in 1945 so you can date it by looking at him. It was winter and it looked cold. Looks like it might have been a sunny cold day though. Doesn't it look like they are squinting a little bit.

Ladies are in the front; the guys in the back. That's Aunt Norma in the front left, her daughter Carol Henrich (still Greening then), and Aunt Evelyn. Aunt Lilah and Mom are in the second row with Great Aunt Bertha (Gramma Haubrich's sister). The men are all peeking out. Uncle Marvin looking dapper as usual; then David in the questionable hat and earmuffs; Daddy's holding him; then Uncle Kelly and Uncle George. Speaking of Gramma and Grampa Haubrich. Where were they, I wonder?

One thing I've noticed - and I think I'm right, this group had some fun and good times together after the war and into the 50's and 60's. Just saying.

Once again this is not the best quality photo and I have no idea where it was taken or what the occasion might have been. But I like it, and I remember how happy I was when I found it. So what's the attraction?

First of all, it includes some family that we have few pictures of. For example: the lady sitting in the middle with the kids all around her is my Great Aunt Ida (Haubrich) Fischbach. She was the oldest girl in the family. The lady on the far left sitting is my Great Aunt Rose (Wagner) Haubrich. Don't have many pictures of either of them. Rose's husband is Frank (back left in the vest) and Ida's husband is Karl Fischbach, second from right in the back. Then the young lady in the apron is daughter, Matilda Fischbach. They called her "Toats." I have been able to learn very little about her. Likewise, her brother, Lester Fischbach, laying on his back far right. So this picture will stay handy for me so that I can remember to learn more about the Fischbachs (besides the rather unforgettable name!)

Then, what I really like is that all the cousins seem to be having a lot of fun - all bunched up in the middle. There are 10 first cousins here from four different parents. I thought of this on Friday this week after Tom's funeral in Antioch watching a narthex full of cousins from at least 7 different families, by my count, running around, bonding, and enjoying themselves.

Here's the roster with some commentary, so go slow and pay attention. 

Starting in the back row, left to right: Frank Haubrich, Morris Wickham, Albert (my Grampa) Haubrich, Karl Fischbach, and Paul Haubrich. 

Ladies sitting: Rose (Mrs. Frank) Haubrich. [By the way, her brother Fred married a Haubrich sister, Tillie, not pictured.] Then "Toats" Fishbach; then my Great Aunt Bertha (my Gramma's sister who married my Grampa's brother, Adolph Haubrich who died at age 39 not long before this picture was taken.) Bertha's daughter, Betty Jean is on her lap. (Betty Jean is the only one in the picture still living as this is being written); then comes Gramma Haubrich and then Aunt Lina (Mrs. Morris Wickham).

The cousins: Herb (Frank/Rose) in tie; Lilah, Marvin, and Margaret (Bertha/Adolph) sitting around Great Aunt Ida; Mom leaning on Bob Haubrich leaning on his sister Margaret, then finally Lester (Ida/Karl) laying in front of Aunt Lucille.

Did you follow all that. Looks like the gang was all there that day (well most of them anyway.)


  1. I think your most important point is how many group pictures we have, a testament to the fact that that our family enjoys being together. A few generations ago, that fun was in Kenosha. Now that fun is wherever we find each other, from Oregon to Arizona to Wisconsin & Minnesota. We are very blessed, and have been for generations. There are a lot of families out there who have no idea what it means to have a loving supportive family. ❤️😊

  2. Well said, Amelia! So true. We are so richly blessed with our family and the time we have spent together.

  3. The first picture I was pregnant with Erin & did not know it.Probably about 4 weeks.
