Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Need Your Help - What Do You Think?

Identifying old pictures is fun, but it can be a challenge. There are times when it is obvious (especially when someone wrote on the back.) Educated guessing often is the order of the day. Knowing someone else in the picture, or recognizing a place, can help. A process of elimination usually becomes part of the process too. 

Here is an example. Look at the three young ladies below. Look at their faces especially the one standing and the one sitting on the right. It's from Sweden - 1800s likely - so that helps. I think this is a picture of the three Jonsson sisters, my great grandmother, Augusta, (standing) and her sister Emelia (Emily) sitting on the right. The third would then be Reka (Fredrika).

How did I come to this identification? I looked at other pictures of Great Grandma and Amelia later in life and compared. (I have no pictures of Reka. I look at Augusta's face and the way she holds her head in pictures, and Emelia's eyes are very distinctive. Maybe I'm guilty of wishful thinking, but then again since the picture was in an old family album belonging to Augusta, so maybe I am right.

What do you think? 

Augusta Jonsson Ljungberg Dolan

Amelia (Emily) Jonsson Frykmann