Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nice Day for a Swim

Norma Haubrich Greening - Carl "Kelly" Greening - Doris Haubrich Dolan
1930s Location Unknown
A good 2-3 inches of snow fell this morning. The sun is out now, but the wind is howling. How about some summertime thoughts!

What do you think my Mom and my dear Aunt Norma and Uncle Kelly would think if they knew I was posting this photo. (That little smirky smile on Kelly's face leads me to think he'd be okay  with it. Mom and Norma, maybe not so much.) But hey, it's fair game. They took the picture. It was in Norma's photo album. I love it.

Imagine  shopping for swimwear in those days. "Ah, excuse me, do you have something less plain and black and no so much 'let's show everything', please?" Obviously, the  answer was "No!" Nice touch with the little "belt", Mom.

What I love about going  through these old photo albums is that (among other things) you realize that our mom/dads/aunts/uncles/grandparents were young once too - and they liked to enjoy themselves. That sounds a bit silly, I suppose. Of course they did. It's just that as I knew them, later in life, you just didn't think about it that way. At least I didn't. Pictures can teach so much!

I wish I could have been there with them that day, although I don' think I could do justice to the suit like my Uncle Kelly did! Anyway, it looks like a good time was had  by all.


  1. Another great picture. Picturing you in Uncle Kelly's suit makes me giggle a bit. :)

  2. I see Johannah's sassy face here in Grandma. :)
