Monday, November 14, 2016

Bob(by) Mateske - Sr - That Is

Faithful Followers of JD's Jottings,

Here's one for the Mateske side of  things.

Most of you know Dad/Grampa Mateske, or at least have heard of him anyway. He has been featured in a couple of previous posts in the Jottings. There are a couple of Mateske family shots that I enjoyed and shared with you like What's In a Picture on 08-16-2016 and A Rare Mateske Find on 02-10-2015. And how could you forget him in They Don' Make Uniforms Like They Used To (Thank Goodness) on 12-11-2014. Add this one to the mix.

If you had asked me before to show you a picture of Bob Mateske Sr as a little boy, I would have been hard pressed to find one. Until now! A recent excursion into the hitherto unexplored recesses of the master bedroom at 60 Church Street, Montello, has unearthed a genealogical treasure trove of goodies. Underneath the really neat antique wooden desk in the corner I found a box filled with old photos. (Yeah, I know. I hear ya! I need a couple hundred more family photos like I need a hole in the head.) Of course this discovery pretty well shot the rest of the day, and it was worth it. 

Among the dozens of photos covering almost 150 years, I found this little gem, circa 1930. Skinned up knee and all, little Bobby Mateske, posed nicely for the  camera. The shorts with knee-high socks set off by a pair of shiny shoes was a classic little boy outfit. Nice chair too. And I think I've seen a planter like the one in the  background somewhere in the 60 Church Street basement.



  1. I can only imagine what other gems may be found in that house! Cute little Grandpa....

  2. I love this one!! Grandma was in to a little bit of Schultz, Crown, Mateske family history too... I'm sure there are lots of treasures in that house!!

  3. You wouldn't believe what I've found! I can't believe it. If I ever came across a box like this from my side of the tree, I'd probslby need counseling.

    1. haha. Dad. love you.

    2. Haha, such excitement! I can sense your "little boy in a candy store" kind of excitement! <3

    3. So awesome. I can't wait to see them and hear the stories you find and figure out. :-)

  4. i know. i'm different. it doesn't really matter. i realize that. but i know so little about my great-grandparents, great uncles/aunts, great cousins, etc., and what little i do know it took a long time and a lot of sleuthing to find out. so to find one box filled with so much information - with clear pictures to boot - well, that is beyond my hopes.

    1. That's ok. We've all got our quirky passions. But yours benefits us all. We're going to have an amazing collection of family history stories! That's a treasure! Keep 'em coming!
