Saturday, December 27, 2014

Every Family Needs a Rock Hound

Amelia Dolan -

you asked for Uncle Walt, so here you go. Or at least, here's a start. There's no way to tell the story of Walter Haubrich quickly and easily. The 11th of 12 children, a somewhat troubled youth who got himself in trouble, spent some time in jail, was in the Navy, was sometimes considered "persona non grata" in his own family, found some peace and a home in the desert of Arizona, where he finally died alone - well, he is definitely is one of the more interesting characters on the old family tree.

I only remember meeting him in person once, in Kenosha at 4711 20th, at the same time this article appeared in the Kenosha News. Mary was with me and we were playing in the backyard when this jeep pulled up and this sun-hardened looking guy in cowboy hat and boots climbed out. Obviously, we never forgot it.

You may have to enlarge the article to see it. But its fun. The not as fun part of the story I'll save for another time.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would have been fun to explore the desert with him!
