Saturday, December 6, 2014

Inspired by "A Bug's Life"

Yup, that's right - inspired by a bug's life. I have been thinking about how I can share my family history "vignettes", and being not that technologically savvy and easily frustrated, I didn't get too far. I had posted a few of these vignettes on Facebook over the years and my children, siblings, nieces and nephews seem to like them. But Facebook was not the place to do it.

Along came a spider, I mean "A Bug's Life." My Montana bug daughter, Amelia, had started an interesting blog on her life in the world of entomology (study of bugs - in her case, bees - you should check it out!) and I thought - eureka! That's it. Why not BlogSpot?! (I don't know why I didn't see this sooner, since daughter-in-law Andrea Dolan had started one to chronicle their life and that of my Oregon grandsons.)

At any rate, here we go. I think - because I'm all fired up - I will try to cut and paste some of the stuff I have already written. We will see how things go from there. In honor of Amy and her bees:


  1. Aww! That's sweet that you thought of me. This is a great idea!!

  2. Can't wait to see more. I think you'll love this avenue for sharing.
